Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)


Few of the world’s most renowned researchers and professors are going to give comprehensive research talks on various topics in The International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT)-2021. ICSCT- 2021  will be held in hybrid mode with the motto of “Sustainable Development for Optimum Growth” at BUBT Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5-7 August 2021.


This is for information of all concerned that, the admission in the Summer Semester’ 2021 (commencement of classes on August 18, 2021) for Tri-semester system and Fall Semester’ 2021-2022 (commencement of classes on September 06, 2021) for the Bi-semester system of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) is going on with the following waivers.


The students of all Programs (Day & Evening) of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) and all others concerned are hereby informed that the students who could not appear at the Online Final Assessment of Fall Semester, 2020-21 held from the 2nd April to the 9th April 2021 in any course/courses on unavoidable reasons are advised to apply for supplementary online Final Assessment by BUBT Annex. The students shall have to pay a fee of TK 1000/- for each course which can be paid by BUBT online payment system or direct in the office of the university. They are also hereby informed that the last date of reaching their applications to the university is 28th April, 2021.


The International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT)-2021 will be held in hybrid mode with the motto of “Sustainable Development for Optimum Growth” at BUBT Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5-7 August 2021. The ICSCT-2021 delightedly welcomes the researchers, industry professionals and practitioners to present their scientific achievements and the significance of sustainable industrial developments in the fields of computer science and engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, industry 4.0 applications, business informatics, robotics and cyber-physical systems. We are seeking original and high-quality submissions addressing innovative researches. All manuscripts will be blind peer reviewed and subsequently sought into major four tracks mentioned in our template of call for paper (CFP). Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.