1.1. Quality Assurance by UGC
Self-Assessment of academic programs and external review are integral components of quality assurance activities. The external review is considered to be an appropriate assessment effort in the systematic evaluation of performance and accountability. Participation in the review process emphasizes self-assessment and demonstrates a concern about quality, an ability to be self-critical and a willingness to act upon identified weaknesses
The external peer review of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) was carried out from 12 -14 August, 2018 by the external peer review team (EPRT) under UGC. The program review was conducted in accordance with the requirements set by the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and as provided in the Self-Assessment (SA) Manual.
The Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of EEE program was comprised of the following 12 assessment criteria for the judgment by EPRT.
1. Introduction, 2. Governance, 3. Curriculum Design & Review, 4. Student Entry qualifications, Admission procedure, Progress & Achievements, 5. Physical Facilities, 6. Teaching Learning & Assessment, 7. Student Support Services, 8. Staff & facilities, 9. Research & Extension, 10. Process Management & Continuous Improvement, 11. SWOT Analysis, and 12. Conclusion, Recommendation & Improvement
However, considering the judgments given for the different QA aspects, the Review team was able to give an overall judgment of Good to the Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology
1.1. Accreditation by BAETE
Accreditation is the process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. In general, the accreditation of a program recognizes and acknowledges the value of transforming a student into a capable engineer with sound knowledge of fundamentals and an acceptable level of professional competence. The accreditation process is also significant as a means of promoting quality by encouraging healthy competition among different degree programs at the same institution and among similar programs at different institutions.
The specific objectives of accreditation are as follows:
a. To ensure that graduates acquire the attributes required to meet national and international standards.
b. To assist all stakeholders in identifying specific engineering education programs that meet national and international standards; and
c. To provide a mechanism for the continual improvement of existing engineering programs through evaluation and feedback.
The Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) established by the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) is empowered to function as an independent and autonomous accreditation body to conduct engineering program accreditation. B.Sc. in EEE program, BUBT strongly fulfills the following requirements to be considered for accreditation:
a. The program is approved by an appropriate authority, namely, the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC).
b. The program duration is four years after twelve years of schooling.
c. More than one cohort has graduated from the program.
d. The program pedagogy follows outcome-based education.
e. The program requires more than 130 total credit hours (currently 154.5 credit hours).
However, B.Sc. in EEE of BUBT has already applied for BAETE accreditation equipped with the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) model and looks forward to being succeeded based on quality and progressive teaching-learning practice in the department.
1.2. BAETE
The Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) established by the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) is empowered to function as an independent and autonomous accreditation body to conduct engineering program accreditation.
1.3. IQAC – BUBT
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) was established in January 2017 under the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh. IQAC-BUBT has been included in the fourth round of the HEQEP project to ensure quality education through the internal and external self-assessment processes. IQAC is the supportive body of the BUBT management to evaluate, enrich and maintain the overall academic quality of various undergraduate and graduate programs of the university. In this regard, this cell arranges necessary workshops and training for the faculty members as well as officers of the university so that proper quality in higher education can be ensured. The cell supervises the Self-Assessment activities of different academic programs run within the university. The IQAC assists different departments to update their program curriculum and course syllabus to be aligned and competent with the ever-changing modern technology and job demand at home and abroad.
For detail about IQAC-BUBT, please visit: https://iqac.bubt.edu.bd/