Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) started publishing the academic journal entitled BUBT Journal (ISSN: 2072-7542) from 2008 incorporating research articles of the faculty members of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences and Faculty of Social Sciences. The Journal is open for all contributors irrespective of their affiliation. The Call for Papers is made in August and the articles are received within a month. After the preliminary selections by the committee, articles are sent to the reviewers.

BUBT organizes Intensive Training Program on Advanced Research Methodology (ITPRM) which is three-month long advanced research methodology training for the faculty members of BUBT. Besides, workshops and seminars are arranged by the various departments of BUBT on a regular basis. A Newsletter is published on a half-yearly basis reflecting the activities of BUBT.

The students of EEE Department participated in different national and International Robotics Competition under the banner of BUBT and brought name and fame for BUBT by securing First, Second and Third positions in different events.

Besides, research contributions of EEE faculty members and students are frequently published in national and international journals and conference proceedings. For the detail of publications for individual faculty members, please visit the EEE, BUBT website: