Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), under the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences (FEAS) at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT).
On behalf of our students, faculty members, and staffs, I invite you to discover this vibrant academic community.
With the aim to be one of the leading educational communities for academic excellence, innovation and research, we offer a broad area of electrical and electronic applications-related curriculum, extra and co-curricular activities and diverse classes. These structured and interconnected spaces support cross-disciplinary and very cooperative education, exploration, and academic work. Our framework paves the way for endless opportunities for exploration and creative methods, enabling us to further our goal.
Moreover, the Outcome Based Education (OBE) is a contemporary teaching and learning model that moves away from the conventional emphasis on what schools have previously offered students. It assists students in showing that they have the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the desired outcomes. Following the goals of OBE, we periodically assess our curricula to stay current with the latest advancements and innovations in different areas of EEE. The syllabus focuses four major areas including power & energy, electronics, telecommunications and computer. The department of EEE promotes extracurricular activities via the ‘EEE Club’ and other clubs which organizes study tours, seminars, workshops, short courses and others on advanced topics regularly.
Currently, the B.Sc. in EEE program, BUBT is under the process of accreditation by the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) and Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC). Several PhD holders from foreign universities have been hired to adequately size and efficiently prepare EEE graduates for 21st century challenges. Our teaching staffs are committed to our students, motivating them to engage with the course curriculum and working diligently to help them adapt to the modern system and technology in various engineering fields.
By teaching and working together on research projects, the department of EEE identifies, develops, and invents innovative technologies and methods to address societal issues—for the benefit of the world, the country, and our local community. We connect various fields of study, including engineering and applied sciences, to educate well-rounded leaders, enhance fundamental research, and create practical outcomes.
This diverse array of assets draws in talented individuals from every corner and in return, we invite everyone to join our diverse and inclusive community where all can flourish and participate in our collective endeavor.
I hope that you will think about the possibility of joining us.
Dr. Md. Shamsul Arefin
Associate Professor & Chairman
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)