Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

There are provisions for allowing credit transfer students aiming BUBT degrees under the following terms and conditions.

  1. Transcripts from all previously attended institutions/universities must be submitted. 
  1. Transfer students are expected to have at least CGPA of 2.50 for undergraduate and graduate programs on a 4.0 point scale in all university level courses to be considered for admission at BUBT.
  1. Only those courses where the grade of the student is B and above will be considered for credit transfer.
  1. Catalogs, official transcripts and testimonials from previously attended institution/university must be furnished with the application for admission.
  1. Equivalence of courses for each transferred student will be determined by the university.
  1. The residency requirement is that at least 60% of total credits along with internship/project of 3 to 4 credits for a degree must be earned at BUBT.