Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)


EEE department is going to arrange a seminar on “Power System Modeling, Simulation and Operation using ETAP” on 30th May, 2023 from 8.30 AM to 12 PM.
Please join with us by doing registration at the following URL:
since EEE Dept. will arrange PC with ETAP for only registered students.
Note that Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Saber has vast industrial experiences from home and abroad and he has signed a multi-million dollar pilot project with Bangladesh Power Division (BPD) on grid level battery energy storage system (BESS) for Bangladesh power system funded by Asian Development Bank(ADB). The project is designed to address common power sector challenges through BESS in Bangladesh. Our students are being advised to join by doing free registration on time as this type of seminar will definitely enhance your skills which ultimately keep you engaged in R&D for enhancing joint industry-academy collaboration research.


##Date: January 10, 2023
1. Akij Group
2. Walton Hi-Tech Industries
3. Link3 Technologies Ltd.
4. Uttara Motors
6. SGS Bangladesh
7. Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd.
8. Data Path
9. Diakonia
10. Intern BD
11. Rahim Afrooz
12. Tech Care
13. Leadburg Education
14. Wipro
15. Genex Infosys
16.New Way Consultancy
17. Global Reach
19. Transcom Beverage Ltd.
20. HR Soft BD
21. Munshi HR Solutions
22. Creative IT
23. Frontdesk Bangladesh (FDB)
24. Aalok Health Care Ltd.
25. QA Group
26. Quantanite
27. Smart Technologies (BD) Ltd.
28. Delivery Tiger
29. Milvik Bangladesh Ltd.
30. Babuland
31. RSPL Health BD Ltd.
32. T.K. Group
33. Super Star Group
34. SNOWTEX Group
35. Bangal Group of Industries
36. Palmal Group


“National Robotics Contest”

The BUBT EEE CLUB of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) will organize National Robotics Competition entitle “BEC ROBO MANIA 2022” which is Second time in BUBT. The Following events will be organized in this competition:

1. Line Follower Challenge

2. Robo Soccer

3.Project Showcasing

Registration Fee:

1. Line Follower ChallengeMaximum Member: 4Per member: 510/- (Including bkash Charge)Track & Rules:…/1RshsNVVjkSqBCbKwVYi…/view…Registration Link:

2. Robo Soccer Maximum Member: 4Per member: 510/- (Including bkash Charge) Rules:…/1uAfY77e8AyHBhr…/view…Registration Link:

3.Project ShowcasingMaximum Member: 4Per member: 510/- (Including bkash Charge)Rules:…/1Nb3XDHtcVdXj9CFXRAm…/view…Registration Link: Method: Follow the instructions on Registration link (Bkash send money).STAY TUNED.

For any query: 01759190872