Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

The department of EEE strictly maintains regular practice of students’ counseling as outlined by the university. 

The Student’s Counseling has been carried out in two phases in BUBT:

1.     Course level counseling: By the course teachers

Course Level Counseling: Each course teacher has to allocate extra time (three hours per week for each 3.00 credits theory course) outside the class for counseling regarding the respective course. During this time, the students of that course can communicate with the course teacher for solving the problems related to the course. This counseling time must be mentioned in the faculty routine and to be circulated among the students so that they can reach the course the teacher easily.

 2.      Intake level counseling: By the Intake In-charge

Intake Level Counseling: At the beginning of each semester intake in-charge list is approved and circulated to the department. Listed faculty members have to act as Intake In-charge for respective intake of students of EEE department. Each Intake In-charges has to perform the following duties: 

a. At the beginning of new semester, Intake In-charge has to collect the course registration form from the students of respective intake, for which he/she is assigned as Intake In-charge. 

b. He/she has to check whether the prerequisite course/courses for the desired courses of students has/have been completed or not. If prerequisite course/courses have been completed by the students, the desired courses are registered for the students.

c. For registering improvement or retake courses, Intake In-charge has to check the class routine conflict with regular courses. If conflicts arise, he/she will decide about registering the course/courses for the students.

d. He/she has to suggest courses for students considering the benefits of the students.

e. Students discuss their academic, even personal problems with the respective Intake In-charge for finding solution. Intake In-charge has to help the students in
this regard.

For dropping any semester or any course, students have to discuss with their respective Intake In-charge. In that case Intake In-charge has to guide the students for proper direction