Department of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)


EEE department is going to arrange a seminar on “Power System Modeling, Simulation and Operation using ETAP” on 30th May, 2023 from 8.30 AM to 12 PM.
Please join with us by doing registration at the following URL:
since EEE Dept. will arrange PC with ETAP for only registered students.
Note that Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Saber has vast industrial experiences from home and abroad and he has signed a multi-million dollar pilot project with Bangladesh Power Division (BPD) on grid level battery energy storage system (BESS) for Bangladesh power system funded by Asian Development Bank(ADB). The project is designed to address common power sector challenges through BESS in Bangladesh. Our students are being advised to join by doing free registration on time as this type of seminar will definitely enhance your skills which ultimately keep you engaged in R&D for enhancing joint industry-academy collaboration research.